Our Privacy Policy

On our site, high-rollers.org, we post content about online gambling in Oz. This document explains how we handle your details when you visit our site. By using it, you agree to our rules. We recommend reading this document carefully beforehand.

Familiarizing yourself with the High Rollers Privacy Policy

What Details We Collect About Aussie Users

We get different kinds of data on our site. Here’s what we gather:

  • We collect anonymous facts about our users. We don’t know who you are. This data is gathered when you visit our site;
  • We gather details from your device. This includes data like your operating system, preferred language when you visit, and where you came from before landing on our site;
  • We also monitor how you navigate our site, like which pages you visit and how long you stay on them;
  • Additionally, we gather details that can identify you. We get this when you sign up for our newsletter or leave a comment.
Information that is collected on the website about High Rollers Casinos


We use cookies and other tools to gather, store, and follow certain details about your actions on our site. A cookie is a small piece of data stored on your computer that tells us about your visit to the site. We may use cookies to assist with site navigation, activate specific features, and remember preferences.

We use different types of cookies:

  • Persistent cookies stay on your device for a certain period and are activated whenever you open the site;
  • Performance cookies gather data about how you use the site, like which pages you visit most and if you encounter any errors;
  • Targeting or advertising cookies show you ads based on your interests. They also control how often you see this or that banner and measure its effectiveness.

Our site might have widgets, beacons, and other tools. We employ them to gather insights into your usage of our services. External entities collect this data via tracking tools to help with technical checks and analysis.

Data Security

We’ve got security measures in place to stop your details from getting lost or used in the wrong way. Only our employees can use your details as we tell them to and they have to keep them confidential. If we suspect there’s been a breach of your data, we have processes in place to handle it.


Our services are only for users who are 18 years of age and older. If you’re not yet 18, please refrain from visiting our site or sharing any details with us. We may need to verify the facts you provide. If we discover that someone under 18 has shared any details with us, we’ll promptly delete it.